LtCol Joe Morris was a UH-1N pilot and designated a Weapons Tactics Instructor qualified to instruct all phases of training. This included familiarization, instruments, supporting arms coordinator (naval gunfire, artillery, and close air support), night vision goggles, air to air (helicopter vs. helicopter and helicopter vs. fixed-wing). He served on two six-month Mediterranean cruises aboard naval vessels and two six-month deployments to Okinawa and the Pacific rim. During one deployment, he flew Vice President and Mrs. Bush from China into Hong Kong. After attending the Army Command and General Staff College, he was the logistics officer for the 5th Marine Regiment. He deployed with Marine Aircraft Group-50 aboard ships in San Diego for Desert Storm. This was the largest deployment of naval vessels since Viet Nem. LtCol Morris completed his career as the Personnel Officer for Marine Forces Reserve in New Orleans, LA.
Tahlequah Proudly honors Joe Morris who served as a Lieutenant Colonel in the United States Marine Corps from 1974-1995.