Nathan Lee Hoss Bilby enlisted in the United States Navy during his Senior year at Tahlequah High School in 2013. Shortly after graduation, he attended boot camp in Great Lakes, Illinios followed by Submarine school located in Groton CT. He then attended Missile Technician C" School in Kings Bay, GA. For the remainder of his Naval career, he was stationed in Bangor, WA where he was assigned aboard the USS Alabama, an Ohio Class nuclear submarine. Nathan went to sea on 6 deployments and eventually served as the Nuclear Missile Launch Supervisor on the Alabama's Blue Crew. He was awarded 2 Navy and Marine Corp Achievement Medals for his service. Nathan spent 6 years serving his country for which his family and friends are very proud of.
Tahlequah Proudly honors Nathan Bilby who served as an E5 in the United States Navy.