Richard graduated Tahlequah High School in 1991 and enlisted in the United States Army. After AIT he transferred to the United States Navy where he served from 1992 until 1999 when he was Honorably Discharged and joined the Naval Reserves. He served in the Reserves until 2006. While in the Navy he trained with the Navy Seals, worked with the Striker missiles, as well as amphibious landing craft. He was an HM2, Hospital Corpsman Second Class Petty Officer. He was stationed on multiple ships, Bethesda Naval Hospital and was "Doc" to the 4th Marine Battalion. Richard continued his service to country as a Veterans Service Officer, a DAV Officer and staying involved in many veteran and patriotic organizations. His generous heart was seen by many, and the world lost sunshine and joy when he left this earth. He was inspiration for me joining and serving the United States Navy in proud family tradition. Angela Walker - sister
Tahlequah Proudly honors Richard Walker who served as an HM2 in the United States Army and the United States Navy.